Feeding tube in the pleural space

Case contributed by Stefan Tigges
Diagnosis certain


Feeding tube placement.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

Feeding tube projects over the right diaphragm, presumably within the right pleural space.

CT confirms tracheobronchial course of the feeding tube with its tip in the right pleural space. Trace right pneumothorax.

A small right pneumothorax is present after feeding tube removal.

Case Discussion

Following feeding tube placement, radiographs are obtained to confirm placement in the GI tract below the diaphragm. If a tube is misplaced within the tracheobronchial tree, it most commonly ends up in the right lung because the right bronchus has a more direct origin than the left bronchus. If a tube is within the lung or the pleural space, a follow-up radiograph after tube removal/repositioning should be obtained to exclude a pneumothorax.

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