Fibromatosis colli

Case contributed by Reem Nazeer Ali AbdulJabbar , 29 Dec 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 30 Dec 2023
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to 2023-12-30T13:28:40.162Z.
Body was changed:

Fibromatosis colli is a benign condition that presents in neonates as a mass in the anterior neck. It is treated with conservative management and physical therapy.

  • -<p>Fibromatosis colli is a benign condition that presents in neonates as mass in the anterior neck. It is treated with conservative management and physical therapy.</p>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/fibromatosis-colli" title="Fibromatosis colli">Fibromatosis colli</a> is a benign condition that presents in neonates as a mass in the anterior neck. It is treated with conservative management and physical therapy.</p>

References changed:

  • 1. Penny S. Sonographic Diagnosis of Fibromatosis Colli. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2006;22(6):399-402. <a href="">doi:10.1177/8756479306294249</a>
  • 2. Bansal A, Oudsema R, Masseaux J, Rosenberg H. US of Pediatric Superficial Masses of the Head and Neck. Radiographics. 2018;38(4):1239-63. <a href="">doi:10.1148/rg.2018170165</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • Penny S. Sonographic Diagnosis of Fibromatosis Colli. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2006;22(6):399-402. <a href="">doi:10.1177/8756479306294249</a>
  • Bansal A, Oudsema R, Masseaux J, Rosenberg H. US of Pediatric Superficial Masses of the Head and Neck. Radiographics. 2018;38(4):1239-63. <a href="">doi:10.1148/rg.2018170165</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:


The left sternocleidomastoid muscle shows fusiform enlargement without distinct focal lesion.

The right sternocleidomastoid muscle has normal appearance.

No cervical lymphadenopathy noted.

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