Foreign body in oesophagus

Case contributed by Melbourne Uni Radiology Masters
Diagnosis certain


Previous history of colorectal cancer. Now presenting with sudden onset dysphagia.

Patient Data

Age: 62-year-old
Gender: Female

CTA Neck and Chest


Intraluminal oesophageal foreign body at the T1/T2 level with the morphology of a chicken wishbone.

There is mural thickening in association with this with some secretions collected in this region.

No new mediastinum is identified, however, some peri-oesophageal mediastinal fat stranding is seen consistent with inflammation.

Pulmonary nodules are seen in the left upper and right lower lobe with the latter measuring 9.5 mm.

heterogenous the enhancing hepatic segment VI/VII mass measuring 31 mm in diameter.

Segments IVb and V masses are only partially imaged.

No significant mediastinal, axillary or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy.

Heart and pericardium are within normal limits.

Bilateral, calcified carotid atheromatous disease.

Note is made of a right adrenalectomy.

No aggressive bony lesions.

Conclusion: Intraluminal proximal thoracic oesophageal foreign body with morphology consistent with a chicken wishbone.

Peri-oesophageal fat stranding is noted, however, no definite evidence of perforation is seen.

New pulmonary nodules are most consistent with metastatic disease.

Case Discussion

At endoscopy, a chicken wishbone was removed for the upper oesophagus.

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