Foreign body ingestion

Case contributed by Guilherme Pioli Resende
Diagnosis certain


Patient brought by the mother with report of witnessed ingestion of screw.

Patient Data

Age: 10 months
Gender: Male

Pointed radiopaque image of approximately 11 mm, compatible with a metallic screw, located in the epigastrium.

Case Discussion

Ingestion of foreign bodies is relatively common in pediatric patients. Plain chest and abdomen radiographs are very useful for diagnostic evaluation, especially when it comes to metallic objects. It is necessary to look for signs of possible complications, such as pneumoperitoneum, pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum. If there are complications or there is no progression through the gastrointestinal tract, a specific therapeutic approach should be considered.

Contributed by Dr. Hemilianna Hadassa Silva Matozinho M.D. and Dr. Arthemizio Antônio Lopes Rocha M.D.

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