Giant cell tumour of the proximal fibula

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis certain


Left leg chronic pain and swelling.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male
  • lytic, expansile lesion of the head of the fibula abuts the tibiofibular joint with a thin surrounding rim of calcification in some areas indicating the periosteum
  • the margins are irregular with an aggressive appearance and a relatively broad zone of transition
  • no matrix calcification
  • no convincing periosteal reaction

The MRI confirmed the lytic expansile solid lesion in the proximal left fibula with some areas of local cortical destruction extending the articular surface of the proximal tibiofibular joint.

The lesion displays an intermediate signal on T1/T2, a hyperintense signal on STIR, and marked water restriction on DWI images.

Extension of the mass into the adjacent muscle compartments with oedematous changes is seen. 

Histopathological examination revealed a giant cell tumour of bone.

Case Discussion

The lesion was surgically proven as a giant cell tumour of bone. 

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