Heart-shaped intratesticular spermatocele (Rorschach radiology)

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis not applicable


The patient presents with chronic testicular pain. Request for scrotal ultrasound.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

The ultrasound revealed tubular ectasia of the epididymal body and tail bilaterally, with epididymal head and intratesticular spermatoceles. The left intratesticular spermatocele is unusually heart-shaped.

Image courtesy: Dr S Palliam

Case Discussion

Spermatoceles are usually irregular, with low-level internal echoes while simple intratesticular cysts have uniform and smooth, thin walls and appear anechoic. In this instance, low-level echoes are present with a heart-shaped intratesticular spermatocele. The presence of bilateral tubular ectasia of the epididymal bodies and epididymal head spermatoceles further reaffirmed the intratesticular spermatocele diagnosis.

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