Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck

Case contributed by Erik Ranschaert
Diagnosis almost certain


Painful palpable mass in the left inguinal region and reddish swelling of the labium majus

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Female

The T1-images show a rather thick-walled blind ending comma-shaped hypointense mass in the left inguinal area, with a blunt ending distally and extending into the peritoneal cavity proximally along the route of the round ligament.

Case Discussion

Infected hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. A hydrocele is the result of a failed obliteration of the inguinal part of the processus vaginalis (so-called canal of Nuck).

The surgeon decided to treat conservatively with antibiotics, and the swelling gradually decreased. Follow-up after 1 year showed complete resorption of the hydrocele.

Superadded infection of the hydrocele is most likely the cause of the wall thickening and enhancement in this case; in most cases, hydroceles have thin walls. The hydrocele does not look purely cystic on the T2-images, this might be due to some intraluminal debris caused by the infection.

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