Hydrostatic reduction of ileocecal intussusception

Case contributed by Raymond Chieng
Diagnosis certain


Abdominal pain and omiting for one day.

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male

“Pseudokidney” and “target” sign seen at right lumbar extending to right hypochondriac region in keeping with intussusception. Multiple enlarged mesenteric nodes at right lumbar region. Doppler signal is present within. Minimal interloop fluid. 

Liver, gallbladder, spleen and both kidneys are normal.

Urinary bladder is distended and normal in configuration.

During and post reduction


Proceeded with hydrostatic reduction of intussusception.

Terminal ileum is thickened in keeping with post-reduction changes.

Minimal interloop fluid.

Case Discussion

During the reduction, 24 Fr Foley's catheter was connected to 1.5 L of water in elevated enema bag. The other end of the catheter was secured at the anal region. Catheter balloon is inflated with 30 cc of water for injection.

Hydrostatic reduction attempted x 1, using “rule of 3” (three attempts, each of 3 minutes duration and with the saline bottles at 3 feet above the ground). The intussuscepted bowel at right lumbar region was reduced. “Fish mouth” sign (ileocecal valve was visualized).

No immediate complication after the reduction.

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