Hypothalamic hamartoma - pedunculated

Case contributed by Henry Knipe
Diagnosis almost certain


Mild cognitive impairment.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

Anterior and contacting the basilar tip is a 6 x 10 x 7 mm (AP x ML x SI) nodule in contact with the floor of the third ventricle posterior to the pituitary stalk. Compared to white matter, the nodule is T1 isointense and T2/FLAIR hyperintense with no contrast enhancement.

Ventricular size and sulcal pattern demonstrate generalised cerebral involution. Supratentorial deep white matter and periventricular high T2 signal likely reflecting chronic small vessel ischaemic disease.

Case Discussion

Incidentally found suprasellar mass, which has non-aggressive features and is favoured to be a hypothalamic hamartoma. Comparison with prior imaging showed stability for over 8 years. 

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