Intracapsular chondroma - knee

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis probable


Pain in the anterior compartment of the left knee.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

The MRI sequences demonstrate a well-circumscribed oblong shape mass within the infrapatellar (Hoffa's) fat pad measuring (24 x 22 x 7 mm). It appears isointense to the articular cartilage centrally with hypointense rim (calcification) peripherally on all sequences. Mild cortical irregularity with subchondral oedema of the medial femoral condyle is noted.

Note mild oedema of high signal within of the infrapatellar fat pad.

Normal appearance of both collateral and cruciate ligaments as well as the menisci.

Case Discussion

Intracapsular (osteo-)chondroma of the knee is a rare benign tumour of cartilaginous origin due to extrasynovial metaplasia, usually located within the infrapatellar fat pad.

The main differential diagnoses include:

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