Intracranial tuberculomas

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis almost certain


13 year old Indian presenting with seizures.

Patient Data

Age: 13 years
Gender: Female

The study reveals multiple focal and conglomerate peripheral rim enhancing lesions with hypointense centre on T2w images and mild to moderate perilesional oedema in bilateral cerebellar hemispheres, right frontal, bilateral occipital and left posterior parietal lobes. There is mild mass effect on leftlateral aspects of 4th ventricle. Subtle leptomeningeal enhancement seen at places.

Spectroscopy through the cerebellar lesions show elevated lipid lactate peaks.

Case Discussion

The imaging features, particularly in an endemic area, are almost certainly those of tuberculomas, particularly in view of the T2 hypointense centres.  The differential diagnosis includes neurocysticercosis, however, points that favour the diagnosis of tuberculoma are:

  • no obvious scolex is seen in any of the lesions
  • T2 hypointense core
  • leptomeningeal enhancement
  • presence of conglomerate lesions
  • lipid-lactate peak on MRS

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