Intravesical urachal cyst

Case contributed by Lutfi Ali S Kurban
Diagnosis certain


Incidental finding.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

An MRI of the pelvis revealed an oval-shaped, thin walled midline cystic structure at the antero-superior wall of the bladder, protruding into the bladder lumen. The mass is closely related to the inferior aspect of the fibrous urachal remnant, typical of intravesical urachal cyst. Importantly, the cyst does not communicate with the bladder, ruling out the possibility of it being a diverticulum. There was no enhancement observed on the T1 post-contrast images. Additionally, a smaller urachal cyst located 1.5 cm above was also noted.

Case Discussion

The urachus is a midline tubular structure formed during embryonic development, extending from the anterior portion of the bladder dome to the umbilicus. Typically, it undergoes involution before birth, persisting as a fibrous band. Urachal cysts are among the conditions originating from the urachal remnant. These cysts commonly develop outside the bladder but can occasionally protrude into the bladder, as observed in this case.

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