Ischiofemoral impingement

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Chronic groin pain more on the left.

Patient Data

Age: 19 years
Gender: Female

Reduced ischiofemoral space bilaterally between medial cortex of the lesser trochanter and lateral cortex of the ischial tuberosity measuring 12 mm on the right and 13 mm on the left with associated edema and enhancement of the quadratus femoris muscles mainly of the left.

Annotated image

The annotated image shows a narrowing of the ischiofemoral space, measuring 12 mm on the right and 13.2 mm on the left.

Case Discussion

The MRI features are most consistent with bilateral ischiofemoral impingement more pronounced on the left.

Ischiofemoral impingement is defined as an impingement of quadratus femoris muscle between the ischial tuberosity and lesser trochanter of the femur, resulting in muscle edema +/- enhancement in early phase and fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy in the chronic phase.

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