Large bowel obstruction with gallstone in rectosigmoid colon

Case contributed by Dominic Hanson
Diagnosis certain


Large bowel obstruction secondary to gallstone impacted in rectosigmoid colon.

Patient Data

Age: 85 years
Gender: Female

CT portal venous phase


Case Discussion

Comorbidities precluded cholecystectomy 18 months ago when she presented with acute cholecystitis. Percutaneous cholecystostomy is appropriate for such patients and was undertaken at that time 1.

On this occasion she required surgery for large bowel obstruction. The enterocutaneous fistula has formed along the cholecystostomy track.

Duodeno-colic fistulas are rare and are typically associated with advanced colon cancer 2. Duodenal ulcer is the most common cause of benign duodenocolic fistulas 2.

Enterocutaneous fistulas are iatrogenic in about 80% 3.

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