Lateral dislocation of the 4th proximal interphalangeal joint

Case contributed by Azri Johari
Diagnosis certain


A patient presented to the emergency department after a fall. She sustained an injury to her left ring finger, which was noticeably deformed. The patient was neurovascularly intact.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

A lateral dislocation of the 4th proximal interphalangeal joint, with dorso-ulnar deviation.

Surgical screw in the 2nd distal phalanx

No identifiable avulsion fracture.

Case Discussion

Interphalangeal joint dislocations are common traumatic injuries, with the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) most commonly involved. These injuries are often accompanied by volar plate or collateral ligament avulsion fractures.

Most dislocations are managed conservatively with reduction under a local/digital nerve block 2.

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