Le Fort type I fracture

Case contributed by Maxime St-Amant
Diagnosis almost certain


Bar fight.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male
Race: Middle eastern

Patient was scanned 30 minutes after blunt trauma.

Also known as Guerin's fracture or floating palate, this is an example of Le fort type I fracture with bilateral haemosinus. There is a pterygomaxillary dysjunction with fracture of the infero-medial and lateral maxillary buttress. The pterygoid plates are always involved in Le Fort fracture.


A diagram differentiating types of Le Fort fractures:

  • red line - Le Forte I
  • blue line - Le Forte II
  • green line - Le Forte III

Source of the image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Fort_fracture_of_skull

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