Leiomyoma of the urinary bladder

Case contributed by Erik Ranschaert
Diagnosis almost certain


Non-specific abdominal complaints. The general practitioner was thinking about irritable bowel syndrome and referred the patient for an ultrasound examination. Based upon the US findings the patient was referred to the urologist who performed a cystoscopy.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

A well-delineated homogeneously hypointense ovoid lesion is demonstrated in the bladder wall. A thin echoic layer is covering the lesion, suggesting a submucosal location.

A T1 and T2 homogeneously hypo-intense (iso-intense to bladder wall) and smooth marginated ovoid lesion is demonstrated in the right bladder wall.

Case Discussion

Urinary bladder leiomyoma, at first missed by the urologist at cystoscopy due to the submucosal location.

Leiomyoma of the urinary bladder

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