Leptomeningeal enhancement - meningitis

Case contributed by Emmanouil Kalioras , 15 Jul 2022
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Emmanouil Kalioras, 18 Jul 2022

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Diffuse leptomeningealleptomeningeal enhancement is seen on post-contrast FLAIR images (obtained after a 10-minute delay).

No clear sign of restricted diffusion.

No clear intra-axial T2 hyperintensity.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Leptomeningeal enhancement has resolved.

The signal of an enhancing cortical vein around the left parietal lobe hasn't been attenuated, appearing as a T2 hyperintensity on post-contrast FLAIR images (artifact).

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

After CSF analysis, clinicians favoured the diagnosis of viral meningitis and patient received antiviral therapy. 2 weeks followup was negative for leptomeningeal enhancement.

The sensitivity of contrast enhanced FLAIR sequences is remarkably higher in comparison to contrast enhanced T1-weighted sequences for the imaging diagnosis of meningitis. The main reason is the better distinction between enhancing meninges and enhancing cortical veins. The signal of contrast enhanced cortical veins is attenuated only on FLAIR images.

  • -<p>After CSF analysis, clinicians favoured the diagnosis of viral meningitis and patient received antiviral therapy. 2 weeks followup was negative for leptomeningeal enhancement.</p><p>The sensitivity of contrast enhanced FLAIR sequences is remarkably higher in comparison to contrast enhanced T1-weighted sequences for the imaging diagnosis of meningitis. The main reason is the better distinction between enhancing meninges and enhancing cortical veins. The signal of contrast enhanced cortical veins is attenuated only on FLAIR images.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
  • +<p>After CSF analysis, clinicians favoured the diagnosis of <a title="viral meningitis" href="/articles/viral-meningitis">viral meningitis</a> and patient received antiviral therapy. 2 weeks followup was negative for <a title="leptomeningeal enhancement" href="/articles/leptomeningeal-enhancement">leptomeningeal enhancement</a>.</p><p>The sensitivity of contrast enhanced FLAIR sequences is remarkably higher in comparison to contrast enhanced T1-weighted sequences for the imaging diagnosis of meningitis. The main reason is the better distinction between enhancing meninges and enhancing cortical veins. The signal of contrast enhanced cortical veins is attenuated only on FLAIR images.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

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