Loculated pleural effusion on CXR

Case contributed by Craig Hacking
Diagnosis certain


Worsening respiratory function. Post surgical debridement of necrotic pancreatitis.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

Bibasal atelectasis. Left mid zone opacification without loss of bronchovascular markings has a sharp medial border and poorly defined lateral border suggestive of a lobulated pleural effusion.

Right jugular CVL and NGT are well positioned.

Case Discussion

A pleural-based mass, or in this case lobulated pleural effusion, classically demonstrate one border that is well defined and one that is not which helps differentiate it from pulmonary based pathology. A loculated pleural effusion can mimic a mass hence is sometimes known as a pleural pseudotumour.

Case courtesy of Dr Nivene Saad.

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