Lower leg fracture

Case contributed by Mohammad Osama Hussein Yonso
Diagnosis certain


Injury of the left lower leg for 1 hour, hit by a heavy metal object. Deformity and swelling were noted in the middle of the left lower leg. Left limb shortening.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

Left tibia lower third comminuted displaced fracture is noted

Left fibula transverse displaced fracture is noted

Soft tissue swelling is noted

Control X-ray post ORIF


Left tibia and fibula old healed fracture with ORIF by an intramedullary rod of the tibial fracture in situ with good alignment.

Case Discussion

4 years ago the patient was admitted due to a crushing injury of the left lower leg.

X-ray showed a comminuted displaced fracture of the left tibia and a transverse fracture of the left fibula. Immobilisation + Splint applied, diclofenac sod IM given, then referred to the general hospital

ORIF was done by the intramedullary rod of the tibial fracture

The patient came for implant removal from the left leg. A control X-ray showed a left tibia & fibula old healed fracture with an intramedullary rod of the tibial fracture in situ with good alignment.

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