Meralgia paraesthetica

Case contributed by Ali Alsmair
Diagnosis certain


Left anterolateral thigh pain and paraesthesia, with clinical suspicion of left lateral subcutaneous femoral neuropathy.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

There is thickening and increased signal intensity of the left lateral femoral cutaneous nerve at the level of the pelvis and left upper thigh, with subcutaneous oedema of the left upper thigh anterolaterally.

Features representing left lateral subcutaneous femoral neuropathy; meralgia paraesthetica.

No compressive masses along the course of the nerve could be seen.

Minimal fluid in the left peritrochanteric region, suggesting left trochanteric bursitis.

Annotated image

Multiplanar images of the left thigh, show the course and distribution of the left lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (arrows).

Case Discussion

Meralgia paresthetica is defined as mononeuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, and it is usually diagnosed clinically with typical symptoms of numbness and pain of the anterolateral aspect of the thigh.

Meralgia paresthetica is a clinical diagnosis, however, 3 Tesla MRI now has a role in confirming the diagnosis and excluding other possibilities.

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