Mercedes-Benz sign (cholelithiasis)

Case contributed by Edgar Lorente
Diagnosis certain


65-year-old woman with suspected left nephritic colic. Incidental finding.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

Abdominal Radiography


Multiple calcifications in right hypochondrium, with radiolucent edge and radiolucent centre, polygonal morphology.

Magnified image: some of these calcifications have a linear distribution, similar to the logo of a well-known global automobile brand. This finding is more evident in the lithiasis localised in the upper right corner of the image.

Case Discussion

Although the sign of the Mercedes-Benz is a sign initially described in conventional radiography, most of the images available today are by CT. 

In this patient we show the classic appearance in radiography, although it is a inconstant finding in cholelithiasis and its meaning is more anecdotal than clinically relevant.

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