Mesenteric neuroendocrine tumour metastasis

Case contributed by Shervin Sharifkashani
Diagnosis certain


Vague abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and positive occult blood in stool exam for six months.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

Well-defined lobulated margin solid mass within the central region of mesenteric fat with multiple radiating strands extended within related distal jejunum and proximal ileum loops wall axial width up to 25 x 20 mm and height up to 27 mm is seen. Tiny calcified focus within the mass is noted.

A few liver metastases are also noted.

Case Discussion

The case illustrates the typical contrast-enhanced features of a neuroendocrine tumour metastasis to the mesentery. Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) rarely (if ever) occur primarily within mesenteric fat. and the soft tissue nodule in the mesentery is a nodal metastasis from a bowel primary, which may be occult on imaging. Its liver metastases can lead to carcinoid syndrome 1.

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