
Case contributed by Davina Bates
Diagnosis certain


Increasing exertional dyspnoea and chest tightness.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Male

Day 1


Large left pleural effusion with bilateral calcified pleural plaques.

Malignancy requires exclusion.

Day 2 Post Lt pleural drain


Left pneumothorax with a pleural pigtail drain in the costophrenic recess.

Extensive fine nodular thickening of the left pleura involving the mediastinal pleura. No evidence of mediastinal, diaphragmatic or chest wall invasion. No lymphadenopathy.

Background calcified pleural plaques.   

Plate atelectasis in the lungs. No appreciable lung mass. No anterior mediastinal mass. 


Case Discussion

Surgical left pleural biopsy microscopic description: Invasive tumour formed by a proliferation of atypical epithelioid mesothelial cells forming solid nests. The cells have moderately pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. No tumour invasion of the adipose tissue or skeletal muscle. 

CK5/6, Calretinin and HBME1 Positive 

TTF1 negative


Conclusion: Epithelioid Mesothelioma



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