Midgut volvulus

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis certain


Acute abdominal pain and distension.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Female

Volvulus centred on the third part of the duodenum with a whirlpool sign involving the superior mesenteric vessels.

The majority of the small bowel, with the exception of the distal ileum, is dilated and non or poorly enhancing.  A small amount of intramural gas.

Small volume free fluid. Congested small bowel mesentery.

Collapsed IVC.

Segment 7 liver haemangioma.

Vaginal ring pessary.

Case Discussion

An adult presentation of a mid gut volvulus and small bowel ischaemia with a superb example of the whirlpool sign.

The patient proceeded to surgery.

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