Multitrauma: intracranial, spinal, thoracic and pelvic injuries

Case contributed by Heather Pascoe
Diagnosis certain


High speed motor bike accident. Thrown from bike

Patient Data

Age: 45
Gender: Male

Brain and Cervical spine



  • Right temporo-fronto-parietal subdural haemorrhage extending from the middle cranial fossa to the vertex, measuring up to 6.5mm in depth. This exerts moderate mass effect.
  • Right sulcal subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Cervical spine

  • The mid cervical spine CT was repeated due to motion artefact. The repeat scan shows persistent artefact through the C7/T1 facet joints.
  • Comminuted fracture from the right superior articular process of C4, through the pars interarticularis, inferior articular process, right C4/5 facet joint and into the C5 right superior articular process.
  • Both the C3/4 and C4/5 facet joints on right are mildly widened.
  • Probable fracture of the right C7 transverse process.

Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis



  • Minimally displaced sternal body fracture.
  • Haemomediastinum. This is likely related to trauma to small veins or sternal fractures as no great vessel injury identified. 
  • Bilateral pneumothoraces (right greater than left). Bilateral intercostal catheters, right dislodged and left in first intercostal space. Right haemothorax.
  • Bilateral pulmonary contusions with associated traumatic pneumatoceles.
  • Subpleural haematoma posterior to the right lower lobe with overlying rib fractures. This tracks medially and extends into the posterior mediastinum inferiorly.
  • Gas locules are seen in a peri-mural location in the distal trachea and left main bronchus consistent with Pulmonary interstitial emphysema extending into the right hilum.
  • Comminuted displaced mid-shaft fracture of the right clavicle.
  • Rib fractures: Right - 1st rib posteriorly, 2nd laterally, 5th and 7th laterally and 8th posteriorly. Left ribs 5th – 9th anterolaterally.


  • Comminuted and minimally displaced fractures of the left proximal superior and inferior pubic rami with extension into the anterior wall of the acetabulum.
  • Comminuted fracture of the left sacral ala involving all sacral foramina with extension into the left sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac joints are not widened. 
  • Fracture of the left ischial spine.
  • Left pelvic sidewall haematoma associated with the pelvic fractures, extending up to the retroperitoneum. No evidence of active extravasation.
  • Unusual area of arterial phase enhancement is partially imaged in segment V/VI of the liver (Follow up US suggested this was a haemangioma).
  • Right flank haematoma.

Thoracic spine:

  • Right T1 and T2 transverse process fractures.

Lumbar spine

  • L1 Chance fracture with perivertebral haematoma and widening of the T12/L1 interspinous distance.
  • Right L1-4 transverse process fractures.

Incidental findings

  • Bilateral apical bullae.
  • Broad based disc bulge is seen at L4/5 with minor canal stenosis.
  • Ductus diverticulum.

Case Discussion

This is a fairly typical case of a severe multitrauma with extensive multisystem injuries. 

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