
Case contributed by Evangeline Collins
Diagnosis almost certain


Known haematologic disorder, severe lumbar spine, and pelvic pain – possible bony pathology.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

X-ray lumbar spine and pelvis


No previous imaging available for comparison.

Grade 1 anterolisthesis of L3/L4, with suspicion of a pars defect at L3.

Diffuse background sclerosis and coarsened trabecular pattern, in keeping with known myelofibrosis.

Multilevel degenerative disc disease and facet joint degeneration.

Sacralisation of L5.

No significant degenerative changes at the hips.


The spleen is markedly enlarged, measuring 20 cm in bipolar length, indicative of splenomegaly.

Case Discussion

Essential thrombocythaemia progressed to myelofibrosis.

Bone marrow biopsy was performed. Trephine features consistent with progression to myelofibrosis (abnormal megakaryocytes, increased reticulin).

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