Neurocysticercosis - vesicular and colloidal vesicular

Case contributed by Maxime St-Amant
Diagnosis almost certain


Progressive, unexplained, neurological symptoms. This patients has lived in Africa for over 10 years.

Patient Data

Age: 65
Gender: Male

Multiple low density well circumscribed lesions in both hemispheres, some of which demonstrate a distinct dot within the cyst. On the left one of the lesions is surrounded by oedema. 

Multiple well circumscribed cysts some of which have central enhancing dots and early peripheral enhancement. On the left on cyst has more marked enhancement and is surrounded by oedema. 

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates typical features of neurocysticercosis with two stages evident: vesicular (cysts with little enhancement and no oedema) and colloidal vesicular (enhancement and surrounding oedema). 

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