Oesophageal cancer (barium swallow)

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis almost certain


Upper dysphagia.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

Barium swallows reveal a segmental stricture with irregularity in the posterior aspect of the upper oesophagus, measuring about 4 cm in length, suggesting tumoural infiltration. The contrast media stasis is evident proximal to the stricture that causes some contrast aspiration into the trachea.

In addition, mild transient border irregularity is observed in the distal two-thirds of the oesophagus, suggesting motility disorder.

Small-sized sliding hiatal hernia is also evident.

Case Discussion

The patient went to have an endoscopy and biopsy, and histopathology evaluation confirmed oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

On barium studies of the gastrointestinal tract, a focal or segmental stricture with irregular margins and shouldering appearance is often suggestive of malignant tumour infiltration and needs further endoscopy and biopsy.

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