Oesophageal foreign body - coin

Case contributed by Fadi Ali
Diagnosis certain


A girl brought in to the emergency department by her mother after a suspected foreign body (coin) ingestion.

Patient Data

Age: 5 years
Gender: Female

A round metallic foreign body lies in the midline just above the aortic knob, suggestive of a coin within the oesophagus, the coin exceeds the diameter of the trachea, also on the lateral view, the trachea appears anterior to the coin,  so that it can not lie within it.

Both lung fields appear clear.                                                                                                                                                    

Case Discussion

The metallic foreign body that seen in this case appears homogeneous with smooth borders (differentiated from the button battery which showed the double-ring sign and irregular borders).

In the frontal view, coins in the oesophagus project en face (round) whereas those in the trachea project on end (linear).

In children, most often ingested foreign body is a coin.

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