Olecranon bursitis and posterior interosseous nerve entrapment

Case contributed by Brendan Cullinane , 21 Jan 2011
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 27 Apr 2019

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Elbow workup: multiple pathologiesOlecranon bursitis and posterior interosseous nerve entrapment
Body was changed:

Ultrasound revealed:

The PIN entrapment explains the finger drop and radial deviation of the wrist on extension. The dislocation of the ulnar nerve (a form of cubital tunnel syndrome) and being right-handed may explain the right-sided ulnar neuropathy.

The tricepsandtriceps and biceps tendon insertions were unremarkable as were the anterior joints, median nerve and the anterior, posterior and oblique ulnar collateral ligaments.

In light of the posterior joint effusion (and trauma) an X-ray was performed. It was unremarkable aside from the swelling at the olecranon bursa.

The olecranon bursa was drained the following day and sent for pathology. The results showed that the fluid was blood. No fluid, leucocytes or organisms were detected.

  • -<li>bilateral dislocation of the <a href="/articles/ulnar-nerve">ulnar nerve</a> over the medial epicondyle on elbow extension implying congenital rather than traumatic absence of the Osborn retinacula.</li>
  • -</ul><p>The PIN entrapment explains the finger drop and radial deviation of the wrist on extension. The dislocation of the ulnar nerve (a form of <a href="/articles/cubital-tunnel-syndrome">cubital tunnel syndrome</a>) and being right-handed may explain the right-sided <a href="/articles/ulnar-neuropathy">ulnar neuropathy</a>.</p><p>The tricepsand biceps tendon insertions were unremarkable as were the anterior joints, median nerve and the anterior, posterior and oblique ulnar collateral ligaments.</p><p>In light of the posterior joint effusion (and trauma) an X-ray was performed. It was unremarkable aside from the swelling at the olecranon bursa.</p><p>The <a href="/articles/olecranon-bursa">olecranon bursa</a> was drained the following day and sent for pathology. The results showed that the fluid was blood. No fluid, leucocytes or organisms were detected.</p>
  • +<li>bilateral dislocation of the <a href="/articles/ulnar-nerve">ulnar nerve</a> over the medial epicondyle on elbow extension implying congenital rather than traumatic absence of the Osborn retinacula</li>
  • +</ul><p>The PIN entrapment explains the finger drop and radial deviation of the wrist on extension. The dislocation of the ulnar nerve (a form of <a href="/articles/cubital-tunnel-syndrome">cubital tunnel syndrome</a>) and being right-handed may explain the right-sided <a href="/articles/ulnar-neuropathy">ulnar neuropathy</a>.</p><p>The triceps and biceps tendon insertions were unremarkable as were the anterior joints, median nerve and the anterior, posterior and oblique ulnar collateral ligaments.</p><p>In light of the posterior joint effusion (and trauma) an X-ray was performed. It was unremarkable aside from the swelling at the olecranon bursa.</p><p>The <a href="/articles/olecranon-bursa">olecranon bursa</a> was drained the following day and sent for pathology. The results showed that the fluid was blood. No fluid, leucocytes or organisms were detected.</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Fluid within the olecranon bursa and surrounding hyperaemia. Fluid forced out of the posterior joint on extension of the elbow from a flexed position.

Swollen, hypoechoic common extensor tendon origin, no neovascularisation (not shown). The pathological change extended across the width of the tendon complex. Note the slight concavity to the contour of the tendon, which may imply chronic change, and the pathological radial collateral ligament deep it.

Note the hypoechoic, fusiform thickening and deviation from the normal course of the right PIN compared to the left. There were numerous findings as listedmay be a small band of scar tissue at the right arcade of Frohse causing the entrapment, although this is not conclusive.

Hypoechoic change within the common flexor tendon origin. Minor amount of neovascularity (not shown) and point tenderness probably implying acute change.

The hypoechoic change spans the posterior half of the CFTO, thus involving all of the FCU and part of the FDS fibres.

The ulnar nerve is shown dislocating out of the cubital tunnel over the medial epicondyle on elbow extension bilaterally. There is minor oligofascicular change to the normal polyfascicular pattern of the nerve. Note the medial subluxation/dislocation of the triceps muscle over the olecranon and into the cubital tunnel helping force the ulnar nerve out.

Images Changes:

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Olecranon bursitis (student's elbow) Fluid within the olecranon bursa and surrounding hyperaemia. The fluid was aspirated and sent for pathological analysis the following day.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Posterior joint effusion Fluid forced out of the posterior joint on extension of the elbow from a flexed position.
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Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Lateral epicondylitis Swollen, hypoechoic common extensor tendon origin, no neovascularisation (not shown). The pathological change extended across the width of the tendon complex. Note the slight concavity to the contour of the tendon, which may imply chronic change, and the pathological radial collateral ligament deep it.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment Note the hypoechoic, fusiform thickening and deviation from the normal course of the right PIN compared to the left. There may be a small band of scar tissue at the right arcade of Frohse causing the entrapment, although this is not conclusive.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Medial epicondylitis Hypoechoic change within the common flexor tendon origin. Minor amount of neovascularity (not shown) and point tenderness probably implying acute change.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Medial epicondylitis The hypoechoic change spans the posterior half of the CFTO, thus involving all of the FCU and part of the FDS fibres.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Cubital tunnel syndrome The ulnar nerve is shown dislocating out of the cubital tunnel over the medial epicondyle on elbow extension. There is minor oligofascicular change to the normal polyfascicular pattern of the nerve. Dislocation of the nerve implies traumatic or congenital absence of the Osborne retinaculum, which covers the cubital tunnel.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Cubital tunnel syndrome Note the medial subluxation/dislocation of the triceps muscle over the olecranon and into the cubital tunnel helping force the ulnar nerve out.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Ultrasound ( update )

Description was removed:
Cubital tunnel syndrome Dislocation of the ulnar nerve was also seen in the left elbow suggesting a congenital rather than traumatic cause for the absence of the Osborne retinaculum on the right.
Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Elbow workup: multiple pathologies
Type was removed.
Visible was set to .

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