Orbital blow-out fracture

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Right eye direct trauma

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Fracture of medial wall of right orbit with herniation of orbital fat into right ethmoid air cells. No extraocular muscle herniation or entrapment.

Right preseptal and extraconal orbital emphysema.

Moderate secretions on both maxillary sinuses.

No other fractures detected.

Case Discussion

Feature of orbital blow-out fracture involving the medial orbital wall with herniation of orbital fat and no muscle entrapment. Traumatic orbital emphysema is the result of a fracture communicating with the paranasal sinuses. Medial blow-out fracture is the second most common type after the inferior type, which occurs through the lamina papyracea. 

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