Orbital dermoid - superficial

Case contributed by Ammar Ashraf
Diagnosis certain


Non-tender swelling along the lateral aspect of the left orbital rim since birth. No visual symptoms.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Two well-defined fat echogenicity lesions lying close to each other, measuring 8 x 15 mm and 3 x 8 mm are seen in the subcutaneous soft tissues of the left upper eyelid close to the outer canthus. No internal vascularity is seen in these lesions on colour Doppler ultrasound examination.

Two fat density lesions lying close to each other, along the superolateral aspect of the left orbital rim. These lesions measure 8 x 13 mm and 3 x 3 mm. The average density of the larger lesion is -100 HU. No calcifications are seen in these lesions. No extension is seen in the deeper tissues/orbital activity.


Histopathology confirms the radiological findings of the dermoid cyst.

Case Discussion

Imaging features are consistent with superficial orbital dermoid cysts along the superolateral aspect of the left orbital rim. 

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