Os styloideum

Case contributed by Wen Jak Ma
Diagnosis certain


35 year old manual worker with acute onset dorsal wrist pain 3 weeks ago, and redness and swelling over 3rd CMCJ. Symptoms last for 1 week and have largely resolved by the time of imaging.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

Ossicle on dorsal aspect between 2nd and 3rd MCPJ.


Os styloideum, with possible synchondrosis with 3rd metacarpal. Skin marker placed over site of pain.


Ultrasound shows the bony protuberance. Ultrasound is useful to look for adjacent soft tissue changes during the acute symptoms such as ganglion formation, soft tissue hyperaemia, tenosynovitis; none of these are present in this patient whose symptoms have already largely resolved by time of imaging.

Case Discussion

Os styloideum is one of the causes of carpal boss and dorsal wrist pain.

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