Ovarian mature cystic teratoma

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Pelvic pain.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Female

CT pelvis


Two right adnexal cystic lesions are noted measuring 8.3 x 8 x 10 cm and 5 x 5.8 x 6 cm in maximum AP, SS and CC dimensions. The larger shows internal nodule, mural calcification and fat fluid level. The other cyst shows also calcification and filled with hypoattenuating fluid content reflecting oily nature.

Case Discussion

Ovarian mature cystic teratoma is a common ovarian neoplasm in females with rich fat content. A Rokitansky nodule is seen as a round structure protruding into the cyst lumen. The appearance of dermoid cyst is such case resembels the appearance of "Pokémon ball" made by the Rokitansky nodule and the fat fluid level. This appearance is charachteristic for mature cystic teratoma of ovary.

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