Ovarian torsion

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis almost certain


Right-sided abdominal pain of a few hours duration.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

RIGHT OVARY - 55 ml. Heterogeneous echopattern. Peripherally displaced small follicles seen. Arterial flow signals are noted in part of the ovarian parenchyma.

Twisted vascular pedicle is noted just cranial to ovary.

LEFT OVARY -  10 ml normal follicular pattern.

No extra-ovarian adnexal mass lesion is noted.

Mild free fluid is noted in the pelvis.

Case Discussion

Female with acute abdominal pain shows edematous ovary and twisted pedicle on ultrasound.

Surgery was done. Twisted pedicle was present. Ovary was viable.

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