Ovarian torsion

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis certain


Severe left sided pelvic pain

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

Large predominantly T2 hypointense lesion, measuring approx. 53 x 77 x 71mm (AP x TD x CC) is seen in the pelvis in the midline, extending towards the right side and occupying the pouch of Douglas. The lesion contains cystic/necrotic and haemorrhagic areas within. Multiple tiny cysts are seen at its periphery, possibly representing ovarian follicles. It is displacing the uterus towards the right side, indenting the urinary bladder anteriorly and right ovary right laterally.

Case Discussion

Left ovarian torsion with twisted vascular pedicle seen in left adnexa. The cysts seen within torted ovary may be the underlying cause of torsion.

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