Parafalcine empyema

Case contributed by Julian Peter Severin
Diagnosis certain


Sudden onset of expressive aphasia, right upper limb weakness and fever on the background of a sinus infection over the past 3 weeks. Imaging was taken post-initial surgical intervention.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

Left parafalcine subdural empyema with a maximum diameter of 13 mm and extending from the tentorium posteriorly to the vertex with a smaller anterior component along the falx. It is marginated by a thin enhancing rim. Local mass effect is present particularly posteriorly. Falx enhancement is evident.

Case Discussion

This imaging was taken post-initial bi-frontal craniotomy and drainage of the empyema with subsequent recollection as displayed. This patient underwent a repeat left para sagittal occipital craniotomy and evacuation.

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