Parkinson disease

Case contributed by Ashvin Ragavan
Diagnosis almost certain


Right-sided parkinsonism (right hand tremor, bradykinesia, loss of arm swing).

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female


Nuclear medicine

There is a marked reduction of tracer uptake in the left posterior putamen. Mild reduction of uptake is also seen in the left caudate nucleus (more so at its posterior body). Uptake in left anterior and ventral putamen is preserved.

There is normal tracer uptake in the right putamen and caudate nucleus.

Case Discussion

When clinically uncertain, Parkinson's disease can be confirmed using FP-CIT/PET imaging. The characteristic finding is decreased uptake in the putamen with mild ventral sparing. It can be unilateral or bilateral, and correlates with the contralateral side of patient symptoms.

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