Pectus carinatum and juvenile thoracic kyphosis

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Acute onset shortness of breath and chest pain.

Patient Data

Age: 18 years
Gender: Male

Thoracic kyphosis with thoracic spondylodegenerative changes, suggestive of Scheurmann disease (juvenile kyphosis).

Pectus carinatum.

Pectus carinatum.

Thoracic kyphosis with anterior wedging at mid-thoracic level, vertebral endplate irregularity, and spondylodegenerative changes, seen as narrowed intervertebral disc spaces, marginal osteophytes, and multiple Schmorl nodes.

Normal CT features of both lungs.

Case Discussion

Pectus carinatum may rarely be associated with juvenile kyphosis 1.

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