Pleomorphic adenoma

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis certain


Enlarging left parotid gland with mass sensation.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

The is a 16*24*32 mm multiloculated well-circumscribed heterogeneous signal enhancing mass lesion within the left parotid gland superficial lobe.

The medial margin of the lesion contacts the left mandibular angle and extension into the deep lobe of parotid gland is demonstrated.

There is no abnormal mandibular marrow signal and no abnormal perineural enhancement involving the left facial or V3 nerves.

The contralateral parotid gland appears unremarkable.

Prominent cervical chain and submandibular lymph nodes demonstrated bilaterally, likely inflammatory.    

Case Discussion

The patient underwent left parotid mass resection and histology revealed:

The sections show a pleomorphic adenoma composed of confluent cords, nests and a myxoid stroma with focal evidence of benign cartilage formation. Focally there is also squamous metaplasia. In areas at the periphery of the lesion, there are fibrous capsules of varying thicknesses. A small amount of unremarkable salivary tissue is present at one edge of one fragment.

Final diagnosis: pleomorphic adenoma.

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