Pleural lipoma

Case contributed by Lutfi Ali S Kurban
Diagnosis certain


Incidental finding on left shoulder x-ray.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

X-ray left shoulder demonstrates a well defined homogenous pleural based soft tissue mass in the left mid zone. No bone destruction or deformity. Degenerative changes of left acromioclavicular joint noted.


CT revealed a well circumscribed mass abutting the posterior aspect of left sixth rib at an obtuse angle with the chest wall in keeping with a pleural based mass. The mass has a mean attenuation value of -110 Hounsfield units, typical of a pleural lipoma.

Case Discussion

Pleural lipomas are rare benign tumors of the pleura which are usually asymptomatic. The fat content of a pleural lipoma is usually not identifiable on plain radiographs but CT can provide a definitive diagnosis by revealing a homogeneous, fat attenuation mass (–50 to -150 HU) forming an obtuse angle with the chest wall.

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