Plunging ranula

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Painless swelling of the left submandibular space.

Patient Data

Age: 2 years
Gender: Male

Large well-defined lobulated thin-walled left submandibular cystic lesion of homogeneous echogenic content, posteromedial to the ipsilateral submandibular gland which appears of normal size and echotexture and extending to the ipsilateral sublingual space.


Well-circumscribed thin-walled cystic mass of homogeneous fluid content with no peripheral enhancement, located in the left sublingual space displacing the mylohyoid laterally and the genioglossus medially, extending to the submandibular space displacing the ipsilateral submandibular gland posterolaterally.

Case Discussion

Ultrasound and CT features most consistent with a plunging ranula.

Ranula is a rare, benign, acquired, cystic lesion that occurs at the floor of the mouth as a sublingual or minor salivary gland retention cyst. A ranula can be classified based on its extent:

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