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Posterior hip dislocation with femoral head fracture

Case contributed by Stefan Tigges
Diagnosis certain


Motor vehicle collision with right hip deformity.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Posterior dislocation right hip with femoral head fracture fragment in the acetabulum.

Confirms posterior dislocation of the right hip with femoral head fracture fragment in the acetabulum—no other fractures or dislocations.

Case Discussion

Hip dislocations require a large amount of force and are most commonly the result of a motor vehicle collision where impaction of the knee on the dashboard pushes the femoral head posteriorly out of the acetabulum, resulting in posterior dislocation. Fractures of the acetabulum frequently accompany posterior hip dislocations, femoral head fractures are less common. Apart from the risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head, posterior dislocations can injure the sciatic nerve. Open reduction is required to remove the fracture fragment from the joint.

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