Posterior urethral valve (antenatal ultrasound)

Case contributed by Mohamed Ibrahim Ali
Diagnosis almost certain


Routine obstetric ultrasound scan. Fetal gestational age 19 weeks.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

Antenatal scan


Ultrasound reveals distended urinary bladder with keyhole sign, dilated ureters due to reflux, severe hydronephrosis, and oligohydramnios.

Case Discussion

Posterior urethral valves (PUV) is a congenital abnormality that is characterised by membranous folds found in the lumen of the posterior urethra and lead to bladder outlet obstruction.

This patient come to the hospital fora routine obstetric scan. Fetal gestational age was 19 weeks.

Here are some features observed in this fetus and suggested urethral valves:

  • dilated bladder: due to the obstruction of urine flow. This can be visualised as a round, fluid-filled structure in the lower abdomen

  • keyhole sign: The urethra may appear as a keyhole-shaped structure, indicating dilated proximal urethra

  • hydronephrosis: This occurs because urine backs up into the kidneys when the flow is obstructed

  • oligohydramnios: is presented due to impaired fetal urine production and circulation

While ultrasound is the modality of choice for imaging patient with posterior urethral valve, another imaging techniques may be requested to confirm especially after birth like voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG).

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