Pregnant bicornuate unicollis uterus with cornual purperal sepsis

Case contributed by Hamdy Mohammed Ibrahim
Diagnosis certain


Post-partum fever, malaise blurred vision, offensive vaginal discharge and abdominal pain

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

Puerperal period bicornuate uterus, the right cornu does not appear involuted indicating that it was the likely site of pregnancy, it is bulky and fleshy with areas of cystic changes and global heterogeneous signal intensity. Also seen are prominent signal void myometrial vessels and other signal void foci representing air that is surrounded with artifacts.

Note the axially orientated non-pregnant left cornu in the stack key image connected with the same cervix. It is seen compressed laterally with no products of conception.

In patient's CT study the myometrial and luminal air are seen clearly. The non-pregnant cornu is seen to the left side in the pelvic cavity. No intraperitoneal extension. Normal bowel loops.

Case Discussion

Although pregnancy in the bicornuate uterus is not common, it can still proceed to full term without discovery until CS. Here we discuss a case of puerperal sepsis in a pregnant uterine cornu with a non-gravid healthy contralateral cornu. The bicornuate uterus can behave like the normal one despite being more liable to abortion, rupture or preterm labour.

Each uterine cornu has the chance to open in the same cervix of the other cornu " bicornuate unicollis" or may open into a separate cervix "bicornuate unicollis"

Our case is that of single common cervix " bicornuate unicollis uterus".

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