Pulmonary oedema

Case contributed by Rania Adel Anan
Diagnosis certain


Shortness of breath and fatigue

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

Bilateral airspace opacification in a central peribronchovascular distribution is seen,  associated with smooth interlobular septal thickening (which indicates interstitial oedema) and bilateral moderate pleural effusions with underlying segmental basal consolidation/collapse.

Mild cardiac enlargement is noted.

Reactive mediastinal and right epiphrenic lymphadenopathy and mild cirrhotic changes of the liver are also seen.

Follow up (6 weeks)


On follow up CT six weeks later, near total resolution of the previously noted bilateral airspace opacification is seen, with a small residual pleural effusion on the right side.

Case Discussion

Initial CT findings were consistent with acute pulmonary oedema.

Follow up CT after 6 weeks of treatment for pulmonary oedema revealed near complete resolution.

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