Renal malrotation

Case contributed by Craig Hacking
Diagnosis certain


Abdominal pain and diarrhoea

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Female

There is a single loop of small bowel in the lower abdomen is mildly distended and fluid-filled. There is an abrupt transition from normal to dilated calibre at both proximal and distal ends however no obstructing mass is identified. The transition point are remote from each other. Minor fat stranding is present in the mesentery of this loop. No small bowel wall thickening. Large bowel is unremarkable. No free gas.

The appendix has been removed previously. The liver, abdomen, spleen, pancreas, adrenals and kidneys are normal. Incidental malrotation of the right kidney. No enlarged abdominal lymph nodes seen. No free fluid or gas is demonstrated. No suspicious soft tissue or bony lesion demonstrated. No evidence of an inguinal, femoral or periumbilical hernia.

A small 8mm calcified subserosal fibroid seen.

Lung bases are clear. Bones are unremarkable.


Solitary loop of small bowel dilatation in the lower abdomen suggests an early low grade obstruction.

Case Discussion

The low grade small bowel obstuction clear with conservative managment.

Good example of the horizontal axis of a malrotated kidney.

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