Rheumatoid arthritis (MRI shoulder)

Case contributed by Dai Roberts
Diagnosis possible


Right shoulder pain and loss of range of movement. ? rotator cuff tear

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

Large juxta-articular erosion in the bare area of the anteromedial humeral head, with smaller similar erosions in the lesser and greater tubercles. Intermediate T2 signal glenohumeral joint effusion which contains tiny bodies, suggestive of synovial hypertrophy. The effusion decompresses into the subacromial subdeltoid bursa due to a near-complete supraspinatus tear, with only a few anterior intact fibres. Mild atrophy of the supraspinatus muscle.  Complete loss of the inferior glenohumeral articular cartilage with remodelling of the joint and bone marrow oedema in the anteroinferior glenoid.  Mild to moderate ACJ arthropathy, no definite erosions.  

Case Discussion

Inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can potentially manifest in any synovial joint. The findings of erosions and a complex effusion/bursal contents should alert the referrer to such a pathology,  with the diagnosis of exclusion being infection.  

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