Scaphoid non-union advanced collapse and dorsal intercalated segment instability

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis almost certain


Wrist pain with a remote history of trauma.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Non-united fracture of the scaphoid waist which has formed pseudoarthrosis associated with angulation and impaction of proximal and distal parts and resulting in dorsal humpback deformity

Normal bone marrow signal in the proximal scaphoid pole without evidence of significant collapse or sclerosis suggestive of scaphoid viability

Intraosseous degenerative cystic changes at the proximal and distal poles 

The proximal scaphoid part remains in contact with the lunate with no dissociation

Associated osteoarthritic changes as narrowed joint space, subchondral oedema, and cystic changes between the scaphoid proximal pole and radial scaphoid fossa consistent with stage I scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC)

The lunate bone appears dorsiflexed in the sagittal view consistent with dorsal intercalated segmental instability (DISI).

Case Discussion

T1 bone marrow signal is a useful sequence in the assessment of scaphoid viability but it is not always specific

This is a case of scaphoid fracture complicated by nonunion, DISI, and SNAC.

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